Dialogue with Kyushu First Rail President Cao Weidong: Urban Rail Transit to "Smart Operation and Maintenance Era", the company strives to complete the transformation of data service providers as soon as possible
DATE:  Jun 15 2024

From June 13 to June 15, the 2024 Beijing-Nanjing International Urban Rail Transit Exhibition and Summit Forum was held at the Nanjing International Expo Center. During this period, Kyushu No.1 Rail (688485.SH, stock price 7.97 yuan, market value 1.198 billion yuan), a comprehensive service provider for vibration reduction and noise reduction of domestic urban rail transit, held a media exchange meeting to respond to market concerns such as changes in the industry environment and prospects for performance growth.

Cao Weidong, president of Kyushu First Rail, admitted in an interview with media reporters including reporters from the Daily Economic News that with the slowdown in the growth of new urban rail lines, while stabilizing the market share of the urban rail noise pollution physical prevention and control business, the company needs to develop a new growth curve and strive to complete the transformation from a product supplier to a data service provider as soon as possible.

Cao Weidong said that the new business line focuses on the existing line operation market of urban rail transit, and strives to expand the voiceprint diagnosis and development business such as intelligent operation and maintenance, structural safety and disease management.

Cao Weidong, President of Kyushu First Track Photo Source: Provided by the Company

The growth rate of new lines slows down, and urban rail transit moves towards the "era of intelligent operation and maintenance"

At present, the revenue of Kyushu One Track mainly comes from various physical prevention and control products for noise and vibration pollution, and the scale of product demand is closely related to the increment and growth rate of urban rail transit construction.

in 2023, affected by the cyclical changes in the industry, Kyushu track revenue fell 30.32 percent year-on-year, home-to-home net profit decreased 98 percent year-on-year, how to open up a new growth curve has become a problem that Kyushu track must face directly.

Kyushu track 1 pointed out in its annual report that in recent years, due to multiple pressures such as insufficient effective demand, supply shock and expected weakening faced by the industry, the scale of urban rail transit under construction across the country has steadily decreased slightly, and the total amount of newly approved urban rail projects and investment are relatively low. in combination with the tightening of local debt control policies since 2023, the approval and construction speed of urban rail projects may slow down in the future.

In this process, the problems of urban rail transit in the early stage of high-speed development have gradually attracted more attention in the industry.

Cao Weidong pointed out that the rail transit industry has very high requirements for operational safety, which has led to a simultaneous increase in the rigid demand for urban rail transit monitoring and detection technology and equipment.

At the same time, Cao Weidong told reporters that the development of urban rail transit in my country is very fast. In the course of more than 20 years of development, it has almost crossed the 150-year development cycle of the West, and there is a learning and refinement of various domestic technical specifications. The inevitable result of this is that "we have to look back", not only to achieve curve overtaking in the process of quantitative change, it is all the more important to be steady and far-reaching in the process of qualitative change. The top priority is to fully promote the "era of intelligent operation and maintenance".

Kyushu No.1 rail quoted the statistics of China Urban Rail Transit Association. By the end of 2023, 42 cities such as subway and urban express rail have been opened for operation, including 10 cities with more than 15 years of operation. In 5-10 years, more cities and lines will face the task of transforming existing lines.

therefore, under the trend of urban rail transit transforming from scale growth to quality enhancement, Kyushu rail I is also transforming from a product provider to a data service provider, I .e. based on the voiceprint information attribute of the prevention and control subject, efforts are made to expand voiceprint diagnosis and development services such as intelligent operation and maintenance, structural safety and disease management, and form a "track voiceprint online monitoring and intelligent operation and maintenance system".

Cao Weidong said that combined with the strategic guidance of the "China Urban Rail Transit Smart Urban Rail Development Outline" and "Urban Rail Transit Development Strategy and the" 14th Five-Year "Development Ideas Research Report" issued by the China Urban Rail Transit Association in recent years, Kyushu First Rail The company's new business line focuses on the existing urban rail transit line operation market, and strives to achieve the landing of the first set as soon as possible and contribute to the company's performance.

"sound ten" proposed to standardize the prevention and control of urban rail transit noise pollution, the importance of noise traceability highlights

With the continuous expansion of urban rail transit network, the vibration and noise generated by train operation have an increasingly significant impact on residents along the line and the surrounding environment, resulting in an increasing number of complaints. In the past two years, the "the People's Republic of China Noise Pollution Prevention and Control Law", "14th Five-Year Plan of Action for Noise Pollution Prevention and Control" and other documents have been issued one after another, bringing new requirements and opportunities for noise prevention and control in the urban rail transit industry.

The "14th Five-Year Plan of Action for the Prevention and Control of Noise Pollution" (hereinafter referred to as the "Sound Ten Articles") proposes to regulate the prevention and control of noise pollution in urban rail transit. Urban rail transit operating units strengthen the maintenance of urban rail transit lines and vehicles, carry out noise monitoring and fault diagnosis in accordance with regulations, keep original monitoring records, and maintain the normal operation of vibration and noise reduction facilities. The action plan also proposes to improve noise monitoring capabilities and carry out noise monitoring traceability.

Cao Weidong introduced that after the implementation of the new version of the Noise Pollution Prevention Law and the "Sound Ten Articles", technical specifications such as the "Urban Rail Transit Noise Emission Standards" will come out one after another, and the identification of the main responsibility of noise emission units has become a key point. However, "noise is like playing a flute. The same flute, with different breaths and different techniques, produces different tones and timbre, so the connotation of sound is actually very complicated". When multiple sound sources are mixed together, sound waves have "beat effect" and "masking effect". In order to accurately identify who is the subject causing the standard, it is necessary to carry out noise tracing.

"Therefore, noise traceability is very important in acoustic research. It is precisely because of this that the technical demand and market opportunities in this area will also increase significantly for companies specializing in acoustic research such as Kyushu One Rail." Cao Weidong stressed.

In terms of technology research and development for vibration and noise reduction, Ding Deyun, vice president and deputy chief engineer of Kyushu First Rail, told the reporter of "Daily Economic News" that in the future, efforts need to be made in the field of new materials, such as polymers such as polyurethane. material. "Because vibration reduction in principle requires some materials with better damping characteristics and dynamic elasticity, and polymer materials have both these two properties." Ding Deyun said.

Cover Image Source: Company Provided

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