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(Yicai Global) Jan. 5 -- Henan Tong-Da Cable Co. won two cable supply project biddings in Peru and Myanmar. The projects, with a total value of USD34 million, will back company's overseas market expansion and boost its operating performance in 2018 and beyond, the cable company said.
Tong-Da Cable [SHE:002560] secured the supply contracts from both Proyectos de Infraestructura del Perú S.A.C., better known as Peru PDI and the Myanmar's ministry of electricity and energy, the wire and cable supplier said in a statement today.
The Peruvian project's contract amount is USD28.8 million and the company is scheduled to complete it by June 2020, while the Myanmar project has a project value of USD6 million, it added.
The fact that the projects are in Latin America and Southeast Asia, two far apart regions of the world, shows the company's reach and boosts its overseas expansion plans.