Shanghai to Offer USD6.9 Million Per Year to Support Local Mini-Drama Sector
Tang Shihua
DATE:  Jun 25 2024
/ SOURCE:  Yicai
Shanghai to Offer USD6.9 Million Per Year to Support Local Mini-Drama Sector Shanghai to Offer USD6.9 Million Per Year to Support Local Mini-Drama Sector

(Yicai) June 25 -- The Shanghai government will offer CNY50 million (USD6.9 million) a year as an industrial development guidance fund to support the city's mini-drama industry. 

A single mini-drama project can receive up to CNY3 million (USD413,100), according to a policy document released by the Shanghai Municipal Administration of Culture and Tourism at the Shanghai Micro-Short Drama Conference today. The city aims to launch over 300 high-quality mini-dramas in the next three years.

A mini-drama has a single episode ranging from seconds to about 15 minutes, a relatively clear theme and plot, and a continuous and complete storyline, with the popularity of such shows skyrocketing in recent years.

According to the new policy, mini-drama platforms will gather in Shanghai's Yangpu district, while firms related to filming and producing the shows will be located in Songjiang district. In addition, Minhang district will form a demonstrative national mini-drama-producing industry park that uses artificial intelligence technologies.

The three districts' administrations will also provide financial support to firms in the mini-drama supply chain in their respective administrative areas, including rental subsidies, listing allowances, and financing services.

Shanghai also launched a package of dedicated plans to support the development of the local mini-drama sector, including plans to help shows highlighting the city's cultural hallmark, projects' multi-language overseas market expansion, and talents in urgent demand but short supply to get local household registration, also known as hukou.

The Shanghai Micro-Short Drama Conference also included a signing ceremony for the entry of China Literature's mini-dramas in Shanghai. The leading Chinese digital cultural content industry firm will tap into its advantages to expand its related business in the city.

Editor: Martin Kadiev

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Keywords:   Industry Supporting Fund,Government Subsidies,New Product,Short Play,Shanghai