Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang Attends Beijing Unit's Lunar New Year Celebration
Qian Tongxin
DATE:  3 hours ago
/ SOURCE:  Yicai
Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang Attends Beijing Unit's Lunar New Year Celebration Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang Attends Beijing Unit's Lunar New Year Celebration

(Yicai) Jan. 20 -- Jensen Huang, the chief executive of Nvidia, was in Beijing yesterday to attend the Chinese New Year celebration of the US chip giant's local subsidiary.

The visit of Huang, who is also president and co-founder of Nvidia, highlights the firm's commitment to the Chinese market and its appreciation of local partners and developers. Before Beijing, he went to Shenzhen and Taipei and will likely visit Shanghai next as part of a pre-Lunar New Year celebration with employees in China.

California-based Nvidia has nearly 4,000 workers in China, with offices in Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen, Huang said during the event held at the Peninsula Beijing at around 5 p.m. yesterday. He also extended New Year greetings to everyone present.

Guests included Nvidia's local staff, developers, analysts, media representatives, and special visitors from local universities and android startups, Yicai learned.

Nvidia has a very low employee turnover rate compared to other tech companies, Huang noted. "The firm's global employee turnover rate is around 2 percent, and the figure is even lower in China, at just 0.9 percent. This is something I am very proud of.

"In the tech industry, employee turnover rates are generally around 10 percent, and sometimes they can even approach 20 percent," Huang pointed out.

Nvidia's employees in China mainly focus on research and development,

Huang said, but noted that they are also important in facilitating collaboration with local partners.

In addition, Nvidia has 1.5 million developers in China, Huang said, while expressing his satisfaction with meeting many developer partners during his trip to the country, with hopes to enhance communication and collaboration with them.

At the Chinese New Year event in Beijing, Huang also awarded certificates to several local Nvidia partners and Nvidia Artificial Intelligence Science Popularization Award winners. The initiative aims to promote the implementation of the company's local cooperation, training, development, and education projects, fostering a thriving developer ecosystem.

"AI shows unprecedented capabilities in various fields, including education and healthcare," Huang noted. "My New Year's wish is to see AI accelerate empowerment across more sectors."

Editors: Tang Shihua, Martin Kadiev

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Keywords:   China Tour,Spring Festival,Chinese New Year Celebration,Jensen Huang‌,Business Partners,Local Employees,NVIDIA