Bona's Upcoming Film to Star Jackie Chan, His Digital Clone, Chairman Says
Jie Shuyi
DATE:  Jun 18 2024
/ SOURCE:  Yicai
Bona's Upcoming Film to Star Jackie Chan, His Digital Clone, Chairman Says Bona's Upcoming Film to Star Jackie Chan, His Digital Clone, Chairman Says

(Yicai) June 18 -- Bona Film Group's upcoming summer flick will start Jackie Chan and a 27-year-old digital double of the Hong Kong martial arts movie star, according to the chairman of the Chinese film distributor.

Thanks to artificial intelligence technologies, Chan, Chinese rapper and actor Lay Zhang, and their digital clones will start in 'A Legend,' Yu Dong, who is also president of Bona, said during the company's 25th anniversary event yesterday. The film, which will be released next month, shifts between modern and ancient times, he added.

Digital actors are a key asset, Yu noted. After filming 'A Legend,' Bona will own young Chan's digital double, enabling the company to let the clone appear in movies where the real Chan starts, he pointed out.

Regarding how Bona calculates the pay of the digital clone, Yu said half-jokingly that he and Chan can share the paycheck. "I am a broker and will take 10 percent of the remuneration," Yu noted, adding that everyone will agree to this agreement.

AI tech's application will significantly increase the efficiency and quality of movie productions while lowering related costs, according to Yu. For example, sceneries, figures, and other elements can be altered even if a movie is about to hit the screens, he added.

With AI, the time needed to film some content can be shortened to 20 days from 90 days, Yu said. Bona keeps the digital assets of all actors in its recently released movie 'Operation Leviathan,' so if future modifications are required, it no longer needs the real actors, he noted.

Filmmakers used to say that film is an art of regret, but it will no longer be such with AI techs, Yu pointed out.

Yu was joined by his young-aged AI-generated digital clone at the anniversary event.

Editors: Tang Shihua, Martin Kadiev

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Keywords:   Digital Actor,AI Technology,Jackie Chan,Summer Blockbusters,Movie Making,Technology Breakthrough,Bona Pictures